mandag den 18. marts 2013

Mens vi venter på snestormen.

While we are waiting for the blizzard...

Selvom kalenderen siger, at halvdelen af Marts måned er gået, har vinteren ikke tænkt sig at slippe sit tag.

Dagen i dag har budt på hård kuling fra øst, der har flået tagsten af hustage og lukket broer. temperaturen hele døgnet har ligget under frysepunktet, så det har været frygteligt kold udenfor. Samtidig er der varslet snestorm og snefygning i løbet af det næste døgn, med op til 20 cm sne.

- Even if the calender tells us, that over half of March month is gone, the winther hasn't thought of ending.

Today a strong wind has been blowing from east, ripping tiles of roofs and stopping trafic on bridges. The temperature has been below zero all day, making it bone-shaking cold to be outside. In addition to that, we're waiting for a blizzard to hit, bringing up to 20 cm of snow.

Vel hjemme fra lønarbejdet, ventede en afkølet ovn med lertøj. Masser af forårsblomster, glasurprøver og andet godt.

- Safe back home from the dayjob an ovenfull earthenware was cooling, waiting to be unloaded. There's a lot of springflowers, glazetests and other stuff.

Nogle ting var vellykkede, andre en chance, der ikke helt var gået efter planen. Men alt i alt er jeg tilfreds.

- Some things were a succes, others were chances, not so succesful. But all in all I'm satisfied.

4 kommentarer:

  1. I really like the flowers! I see a number of potters make buttons. Do they sell easily? Just wondering...

  2. Hello mr. Young.

    Thank you for your kind comment.

    The flower-buttons are not ment to be buttons but I will string them to a piece of wire and use them as a decor in flowerpots making a dull green plant bloom.

    I've tried to make buttons, but they don't sell that well as there's competition from plasticclay made buttons.

  3. I have cats who eat or shred any plants within their reach, so everytime I see your great bulb flowers I think hmmm...cannot be destroyed by cats.

  4. Likes your flower a lot. Very beutiful.
