Tiden løber stærkt og jeg halser som altid langt bagefter. Projekter er der masser af, - og interresser, nye som gamle...
In spite of good intentions to get the blog up and running, well.....
Time flyes and I run far behind as allways. Projects piling up, - and interests new and old....
Her er sølvring fundet med metaldetektor. En hobby der giver masser af frisk luft og natur, - begge dele noget jeg kræver for at kunne eksistere.... Men en tidsrøver.
Here a silver ring I found metaldetecting. An interest wich provides lots of fresh air and nature, - both things essential for my exsistance.... But what a time robber.
Så er der jo også have og drivhuset og blomsterne og hønsene og og og....
Then I also have the garden, the greenhouse, the flowers, chickens and and and....
Her er det "Punker-mor med adoptivbørn". Min ene Orpington høne med fjerfejl i nakken, der gør at hun altid har hanekams frisure :-)
A photo of "Punk-mom" with har adoptive children. One of my Orpington hens, who has a flaw in her feathers in the neck, which gives her a constant mohawk :-)
Small things have happened in the studio. And my desire to make and create is coming back, - and I´ve even been to the marked and I´m planning to go again soon.
Here bowls becoming yarnbowls and tiny vases...
My mans urinal "the Piss-fish" among friends, is having a big brother. The plan is to install big jaws in the mens toilets to a music-event coming next month. Then when the light in the toilets are turned on, hidden loudspeakers will play the theme from the movie "Jaws".... What fun!
Som i kan læse, har jeg masser af tossede projekter igang, så lige et sidste billede, der forklarer hvorfor, det nogen gange taget lidt længere tid at komme i mål....
As you can read, I´m busy with lots of crazy ideas, so here´s a last photo explaining why things sometimes takes much longer then planned....
Forfatteren siddende hjælpeløst fast i Lillebælt-ler ved Trelde Næs.
The writer helplessly stuck in Lillebælt-clay by the landmark Trelde Næs.
Lillebælt clay explained:
Lillebælt clay explained:
40-100 m thick deposition of plastic clay from between Eocene, approx. 50-45 million. Years before now. It consists predominantly of calcium-free to slightly calcareous, greenish, very fat clay. The lower part includes more sprained, green and brown layers, while the upper part contains light layers of marl. The upper part of the Little Belt cladding is rich in clay smectite. This causes clay after absorption of large amounts of water to become unstable and causes major landslides.
Can act as quicksand and no good for pottery use!