Midsummer is here and the weather has been wonderful with nice temperatures and lots of sun. The last couple of weeks, it's been a little colder and quite stormy. The evening haven't been real warm and inviting, so no cuddling around the bonfire.
Lige nu ligger jeg syg på 7. dagen. Det er den dødelige mandeinfluenza, det er jeg overbevist om. Hvorfor? Det er nemlig kun alle mændene i vores omgangskreds, der på skift har haft en tur, så jeg troede, jeg gik fri, - suk!
Right now I'm sick, 7 days now. It's the deadly man-flu, of that I'm convinced. Why? - because during the last 6-8 week all the men, I know, have been sick one after the other. So I thought, I might go free this time, - big sigh!
Og jeg har ikke tid til feber, sprungen trommehinde, balanceproblemer og snot, bare se!
And I haven't got time for fever, blown eardrum, balance problems and mucus in streams, just look!
Potter, der venter på glasur....
Pots waiting for glaze....
Hylder fulde af potter, der mangler glasur...
Shelfes full of pots, waiting for glaze...
Potter der venter på forglødning....
Pots waiting to get bisqued....
not sure if my comment went through, so sorry about the flu, love the hen in the shark's mouth