torsdag den 24. maj 2018

Sommer i Maj

Hvor har vejret bare været vidunderligt de sidste mange dage. Strålende sol, varme og solbrændt hud, lækkert. Og haven har vi styr på, - aldrig har vi været så godt med.

The weather has been eminent the last many days. Sunny bright sky, heat og sunkissed skin, nice. And for the first time we´ve got a grip on the garden this early.

Alt spirer og gror, men lidt regnbyger om natten ville gøre stor gavn, da vi nærmer os tørke tilstande.

Everything germinates and grows, but a few rainshowers at night would be more than welcome as we are approaching drought.

Og drivhuset er en fryd, hvis bare den frække mosegris holder sig væk.

And the greenhouse is a delight if only the naughty water vole stays away.

Da al jord er taget i brug har jeg måtte bygge til og lave to højbede i skolegården. Nu skal de plantes til med mine forspirede squash, græskar og sommerblomster. For at hjælpe på fugtbalancen placerer jeg to Ollas i hver bed. 

Because al soil is spoken for, i´d had to build extra soilpatches in the schoolyard. Now I´m ready to plant zucchini, pumpkin and summerflowers, al germinated in the greenhouse. To help keep the soil moist I´ve put two Ollas in each patch.

To bede, klar til arbejde, jorden er lige dele fra urtebed, hønsegård og ny sphagnum - two patches, ready for work, the soil is equal parts from the herbgarden, from the chickencoop and new sphagnum

Ollas af blåler, færdigbrændt uden glasur så skærven er porøs, så vandet siver stille ud til planternes rødder, - Ollas made of lowfire clay, fired to finished temp. no glaze, so that the shard is porrus and water slowly can seep through.
Ollas graves ned så halsen stikker lidt op over jordoverfladen, - the Ollas buries so that the neck protrudes slightly above the ground surface

Bare fyld med vand og låg på, - just fill with water and place the lid.

Færdige bede, - finished.

2 kommentarer:

  1. wow, you have a lovely and huge garden, love the purple flowers, are those onions or chives ?

  2. Hello Linda. It´s chives. Now that they finally grow, we can´t eat enough to keep them down. Luckily they taste great and can be used together with many things and the flowers are nice too.
